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ModernCat FaveFind

  Dimensions      For US customers that want fewer than five litterboxes, they can be ordered online from Agrifeed Pet Supplies in Knoxville TN and are at the clinics and stores listed on the stores page.

Welcome. These litterboxes come about through running color changes and the effects are interesting and fun to see. The best ones are given away to cat rescues for their fundraisers, at cat show raffle tables and blog giveaways..

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What's new pussycat?

Please consider this as part editorial and part sharing of information. It can be frustrating to have a cat that is a vertical pee-er, as defined by Ingrid at The Conscious Cat, or that instead of a slowly rising back end as the pee progresses, there is no attempt to squat at all. To get the maximum benefit of the high walls, sculpting the litter into a shalow vee as illustrated below helps.

NVR Miss Litterbox-litter sculpted into a shallow vee

For relatively rare situations, less than one percent of cats need a litterbox quite a bit higher than what ours is. For customers that need higher walls, a wall extension, whereby the walls can be raised from a couple of inches to almost double the height of the litterbox, is provided.

If you need these, you know who you are, so please contact us for more information.

The other issue is, also rare, the cat not turning enough and peeing out of the opening. Many cats are coming from a litterbox with either no defined opening or one with an end opening, so they have been habituated to whatever served as their previous litterbox, and some time may be needed to adapt to this one.

There are several ways to correct this. A solution by a creative customer works so well, it should be the first one to do. What she did was temporarily place an 18 ounce water bottle horizontally just inside the litterbox opening to get her cat to step further into the litterbox. This was enough to do the job. Other methods are to place an object along the back wall offset slightly to one side from the opening, changing the orientation or temporarily blocking off the bottom area of the opening with an insert or a combination of these methods. Cats can be funny, and sometimes we just don't know what they will do. A customer with this issue, and it was vexing because behavior would switch back and forth from normal to peeing through the opening then back, found that by putting a square porcelain tray in front of the opening to catch the pee was the motivation for her cat to start using the litterbox properly all the time. It seems she didn't like stepping over her pee in the tray on the way out.

The point is, there are several solutions to these issues so please contact us if your cat is not doing what we expect.

Thank you

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